I’m fine.

I quit my job yesterday. I’ve decided to leave corporate life and start my own thing. I’m excited and also freaking out. Luckily I’m guided by an accountant (who likes to refer to himself in third person), and I have the unwavering support of my husband who assures me he can cover the mortgage when my client don’t pay me on time (the Brit), my Australian family (the Gays), and a host of ex-colleagues and industry peeps who may one be my clients. Everyone tells me I’ll be fine. I’m telling myself too.

As stupid as it sounds, I’m afraid I won’t be able to kick my penchant for luxury streetwear, new trainers and expensive bags and we’ll end up in some sort of Dickensian workhouse. Might sound a tad dramatic, but that’s how my brain works. Welcome to my world.

But anyway, I wasn’t happy at work. I’ve finished my Master and now I’m thinking “so what now?”. I’ve been asking that question a lot since the pandemic and lockdowns. My priorities have changed. I think my brain has changed. I’m trying to find my normal, my happiness and my purpose. I won’t go into too much detail because believe me, youll get a nice taste of my brand of craziness if you decide to stick with me on this blog. I promise I’ll be better about updating it unlike my other attempts.

So what’s the song i’m listening to today? it’s this one. there’s not a schmick music video to go with it so here’s a link to the lyric video.


Zero o’clock