
I have adopted a “i don’t f*cking care" attitude which is actually quite refreshing and freeing. The Lantern has gone from dim to completely dark and we are carrying them through the finish line. Of course all the glory will be theirs. They’re not talking to me at the moment because I undermined them (and their (misguided) judgement) in a meeting and they didn’t like that. I mean, how do you nod your head at a very clear directive i a previous meeting and then completely ignore it and try to talk your way out of it with some bullshit like “I thought this was was more clear”. Um no. I’m not going to back that shit up in a meeting. I know I resigned but I still have to work for another three months there and my Gucci sweatshirts don’t buy themselves.

So now this person is mad at me and I hate knowing that someone is mad at me beause they were being stupid. Should i apologise? Maybe but my loyalty is to my boss (who provided the directive) and not the Lantern. It’s not my fault someone can’t follow directions. And I tried to be nice about it. I said that perhaps wires got crossed and there was some miscommunication but I think we all knew that was a lie.

Feeling a bit feisty today. I’ve been watching a lot of old episodes of Judge Judy. Besides an abundance of neck tattoos and mullets, Judge Judy’s abrasive way of stating facts is truly inspirational.


Set me free (pt. 1)